Hey loves! I hope you’re feeling a little extra special today. I’ve actually been reflecting a lot, creating new goals, and getting myself stirred up to make some pretty cool things happen. I’m usually pretty good at staying motivated but when it’s hard to get up and go and I just feel like scrolling through Instagram all day, I look to a few accounts for motivation.
In my Get Started post I talked a little bit about following people in your space that inspire you, but this goes for your spiritual journey as well. As I’ve been becoming closer to God and really defining my own faith, there have been a few accounts and people who have helped me carve out my own beliefs and ideals.
Whether you’re just getting started in your spiritual walk, or you haven’t started yet….maybe you’re even a little bit skeptical of the whole “Jesus is Lord of my life” moment, following social media accounts that are motivational and faith based is a great way to get your feet wet. Here are a few that I love following.

@livedeeplyrooted – I love Sopha Rush. She has this sweet spirit about her that radiates from her page. I love that she posts affirmations and starts challenges while engaging her audience to join her. She also showcases her relationship with her husband and is super transparent about their struggles and their journey. Plus they’re such a cute couple. She’s young too and started chronicling her journey in college, so she has a unique perspective to share.

@heatherllove – I started following Heather Lindsey last Valentine’s Day when she and her husband came and spoke at a singles ministry night at my church. I had no idea how huge her ministry was until that day. If you’ve never heard of her, she is the founder of Pinky Promise which is a movement that encourages women to honor God with their lives and their bodies. Heather talks about all kinds of stuff on her page and she gets me all the way together. She posts a lot of heart checks and reminders about who we are called to be as believers. Long story short, Heather’s account is all about faith, marriage, being content in singleness, her kids, and being vegan. She and her husband also have an app where they share recipes and messages if you want to check that out.

@godlydating101 – this is one of my favorite accounts to follow right now because of the way they tie pop culture into the idea of godly dating. They love memes and gifs which make their posts fun to read. Their account is so relatable and they aren’t afraid to address some tough topics that face those of us who are dating or single and not yet ready to mingle.

@curlsforchrist - This page combines all things curly with all things Jesus so beautifully. Brooke partners with some haircare lines in some posts and shares her faith in others….sometimes she does both. Aside from all of that she’s super smiley, her curls are everything, and she shares her devotionals on her instastories sometimes which is a breath of fresh air.

@sarahjakesroberts – SJR is my spirit animal in all ways. I’ve never met her but she’s my sister in my head, and she makes everyone feel like that. I love her page because it speaks to me. It speaks to the young girl who is just starting, it speaks to the older woman who is starting over, it speaks to the fashionista, to the lost, to the business owner, to the bad and bougie, to everyone. She has this universality about her that is so unique and fun to watch. If you can’t make it to church or you don’t like the hype of church, sis has you covered with her posts. She also has a podcast, a blog, and her sermons are on YouTube. If you haven’t checked her out yet, please do!

@christiangirls – I just started following @christiangirls not too long ago and I really just followed them because I thought their page was cute. It’s very girly and bright and it posts positive messages that are pretty easy on the eyes. This is a great one to follow if you don’t want to read a bunch of long captions and you just want a quick reminder of your faith during the day.
Go and check these pages out and let me know if there are any faith based accounts that you love! Share them with me in the comments. Say encouraged, and I love you for reading.
Peace, Love, and Soul
