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Writer's picture: NoniNoni

Updated: Aug 10, 2020

Hey loves! The weather has been yucky and rainy in DC lately and I've been wanting to curl up in my bed with a good book. I normally don't have as much time to read as I'd like to, but I'm getting back on track and devoting some time everyday to read. It's been super relaxing for me. Here are some books I've been loving lately.

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How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This one was a recommendation from a friend of mine who reads book like it's his job. He's constantly documenting his new books on his Instagram stories and always seems to get so much joy from reading them. You've probably heard of this title before. It's been around for over 80 years, has sold over 15 million copies, and is updated and re-released frequently. That alone tells you how good this book is. It gives real practical advise on making relationships with others, establishing influence, and maintaining connections for a lifetime. At some point, I think everyone should read and reread this book. Make notes in it revisit your notes, and try to apply the lessons in it whenever you get a chance. Find the newest version here.

Silent Seasons by Heather Lindsey

When I first read Silent Seasons, I was such a hot mess. I was feeling overlooked and undervalued. Nothing was working in my favor, I wasn't getting into any organizations on campus and I was just over everything. I came across Silent Seasons one way or another and it changed my life. Heather talks about how life isn't meant to be a winning game all the time. There will be times when we're being hidden and pruned and that's okay. This is a great read if you're feeling how I was and you want to take action against those feelings but you don't know how. Heather has some other books that are great too. Find them here.

The Fault in our Stars by John Green

If your high school was anything like mine, everyone in your school was reading The Fault in Our Stars. Yes, I love sappy rom-com novels. Yes I love John Green. No I haven't grown out of this phase. This is the perfect book to read at home with coffee while it's raining. When I read it the first time, I read it all in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. If you haven't read it, think you're too old for it, or think that John Green is corny, go back and read this one. I promise, it's heartwarming. Find it here.

How to Stop feeling like Sh*t by Andrea Owen

So I haven't started reading this one yet (it's next on my list) but I've heard nothing but great things about it. From what I know about this book, it's painfully honest, candid, and a super easy read. Women love Andrea's other books You are a Badass and The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. As we can see, Andrea has a bit of a potty mouth but her books are bestsellers , so it's safe to say it works for her. Find it here.

The Bible (NLT Version)

My favorite of all time. I recently switched from reading the Message Version of The Bible to reading the New Living Translation and I am in love. I loved The Message version when I was just starting to grow my faith, and I read it still from time to time, but the NLT version has been speaking to me like never before. I just ordered the Daily Walk Bible.


That's all for now. Happy Reading! If you have any favorite books or suggestions for me, or if you're reading one of these books now and want to chat about it, drop a note in the comments! I love you for reading, as always.


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